I truly believe that great memories have to be shared with others so joy can be spread. This is why I wanted to do a little recap of my summer vacation in Cancun because I was so happy there.
Before I get into all the details, I want to quickly point out that nothing about this trip is sponsored. I just really had a great time and wanted to share all my personal thoughts and tips. Maybe it will help some of you out there who are planing your next trip to Cancun or to get inspiration.
One thing that defintely made the whole stay so great was the hotel. We stayed at a super modern hotel with a such great interiors. In case you are interested and want to see more pictures than just click here. The hotel is called Finest Playa Mujeres. If you are looking for the perfect get a way, this hotel really comes in handy. But also if you want to have more fun, the hotel offers daily activities. One thing that might be positive for all you party people is that most alcoholic drinks are free even if you have booked all inclusive.
See for yourself how beautiful the hotel is and its nicest spots.
With such a beautiful hotel, I couldn’t miss taking some outfit pictures. So here are some my two favourite summer outfits that might inspire you. I usually kept it very casual and also comfortable as I was on vacation. The outfit details are linked below the pictures in case you are interested.
Outfit 1:
This is an outfit perfect for the beach. It basically is just a dress in bohemian style and also really thin so nothing that gets you sweaty. Unfortunately I bought the dress last year so I could not find the exact same one to link down below but I found a great alternative. Also I combined it with a little clutch,more of a toiletry bag, but also a great fit for the beach. All the most important essentials as well as book fit in.
Dress: T.k. Maxx -> alternative here
Shades: Mango -> alternative here
Clutch: Zara Home -> click here
Outfit 2:
You can never go wrong looking all sweet. The next outfit is just perfect for a day just hanging around. Nothing is more comfortable than wearing some loose pair of short sweatpants and to pimp it up a little, combining a off shoulder top with it. Also a great bonus, especially in summer when it is so hot, is wearing a little headband which keeps your hair together. I think you girls with long and thick hair out there understand what it is like in summer.
Sweatpants: H&M -> click here
Off Shoulder Top: Bershka -> click here
Headband: H&M -> click here
Shades: Kapten & Son -> click here
Apart from staying at the hotel you shouldn’t miss planing a few trips. We went out three times with our rental car.
Our first little trip lead us to an outlet mall called the ‘ La Isla Shopping Village’. All in all I can say that it was really cute and unique to walk through but when it comes to the prices, everything is just expensive in relation to european prices. Still I think you should miss seeing this little shopping Village in Cancun.
Another trip we defintely didn’t want to miss after a guy at our hotel told us about it, was snorkeling with whalesharks. Honestly this was just such a great and overwhelming experience although I got seasick. It was completely worth it though. Around 7 am in the morning we got picked up at our hotel and driven to the marina where a little speedboat waited for us. From there on we went by boat and it took us around one and a half hours to get to the whalesharks spot. Once we got there we always had the oppurtunity to go in the water in pairs with the guide which always spotted the whalesharks. Sadly I only got to go in once because I got seasick but even this one time was already enough. I have never experienced something so unique and amazing in my life, snorkeling next to such a big whaleshark. Also we were lucky enough to see big Manta Stingrays as well as dolphins.

Last but not least you should defintely not miss going to ‘Chichén Itza’ although it takes about two and a half hours to get there from Cancun. If you have the chance to drive there with your rental car, make sure to be there early in the morning because later at noon all the big tour buses arrive there. Our tour guide told us that 6000 - 7000 visitors it every day, so imagine how crowdy it can get.

Yours truly,
Vivi xx